Saturday 27 August 2016

Family and friends visiting and a very hot August

The weather this month has been quite extraordinarily hot.  My daughter and grandson arrived in the first week and a week later my friend's daughter, son-in-law and twin granddaughters came for a week's holiday here too.  It was lovely for the children to have each other to play with and everyone had a great time.  

We all visited Lac de Guerledan two days running and all of us enjoyed the newly filled lake.  There was a fire which needed eight fire engines to attend on the far side of the lake as we were leaving apparently started by people having a BBQ.  

Strange to think that this time last year the lake was empty and we were walking in the bottom in what looked rather like a moonscape. 

Libby, Charlie and I visited the Bee and Ant Museum at Le Faouet which was fascinating.

This is where I bought some of my hive equipment when I started beekeeping earlier this year.  Gilles and Corinne who run the enterprise are a very pleasant couple.

Another afternoon saw us at the Vallée des Saintes where we climbed in the glorious sunshine and enjoyed the panoramic views and the sculptures.

A Friday evening at Mur de Bretagne where adults and children were abseiling down the church tower.  

The market had interesting produce including these colourful baskets and mouthwatering baked goods.

The last night of the Son et Lumière at Bon Repos was brilliant although Charlie found it difficult to stay awake - it doesn't really start until 2230hrs when it is dark enough for the laser lights and was a very late arrival home.

The following morning saw us back there again, this time at the market and for lunch in the open air.  Charlie bought a ring from one of the stalls and here it is!

The garden is suffering a bit in this very hot weather - 41°C on the SuperU sign one day last week.  However, my neighbour's outside steps looked really lovely in spite of the heat.

The day Libby and Charlie arrived we put sixteen eggs into the incubator and twenty-one days later, the first egg hatched a lovely yellow fluffy chick. The next three were black and we are currently awaiting the fifth.  Charlie spent most of the day in front of the incubator with his tablet so as not to miss the action ...

We drove the two hours to Rennes visiting Ikea for three hours and then returning.  An exhausting day in the heat, but came back with lots of goodies - so almost worthwhile.

I sat with my daughter and grandson in the pizzeria, La Gwendoline in St Nicolas du Pélem, on Friday evening finding it hard to concentrate on my meal.  You know how it is when you feel you know someone sitting at another table and just can't remember who they are or where you know them from.  

Well, finally, as we left I had to ask the lady herself, who was sitting in a group of six people at the table nearest the door.  

She turned out to be Alison Merrien, with eight World Bowls titles to her name, which is of course, why I felt I knew her, I had watched her so often on television.  She was with her husband, Ian, also a first class bowler.

Guests have just left and once the changeover on Small Cottage is done, today is a sit in the sun and walk in the woods later day.  The washing will dry quickly in the sun as it has throughout August - what a hot month it has been.

Three things I like:

1.  Having Libby and Charlie here. 
2.  The sunshine which makes life so good and easy.
3.  Hatching more chicks and watching Charlie spend so much time with them and the adult chickens.

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