Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Early summer in St André, 22480

Well, I had the MRI, on 1 July, which unfortunately showed that the tumour was deeper than had been thought from the echoendoscopie and that it had crept into the sphincter muscle.  When I went back to see the consultant he booked me in to see the man, on 20 July, who will sort out my radio therapy schedule.  When this is finished, I will then have surgery.  Although I won’t know exactly the extent of the surgery until Friday this week when I return to the consultant, I have an appointment Wednesday next week to see Dr le Chaux, who did my gastric bypass, tummy tuck and gall bladder removal.  He would do the operation if is the radical route of removal and poo bag.  In the event that at the meeting on Thursday this week it is decided to do a smaller operation, then that appointment will be cancelled and I will see a different surgeon experienced in doing selective surgery to remove tumours and save what he can, although this latter option seems unlikely.  I am experiencing pain now, although mostly paracetamol deals with it.  I have also had a few laundry moments and it is uncomfortable enough that I shall be happy to have it all sorted out whatever way they choose.  Enough of the medical stuff!

The weather has been absolutely amazing over the last few weeks and it was a surprise this morning to wake up to gentle rain after the blazing sunshine we have been experiencing.  The Tuesday before last the temperature showing at the local supermarket sign was 41°C!   Any rain is very welcome though for the veggies and the flower garden.

Self sown foxgloves in the garden stones.  It has been a terrific year for foxgloves and the lane verges are clothed with them.

Gracie sitting on the table.

Red hot pokers - kniphofia - in the big flower bed.

Clematis on the house wall

I also enjoy the wild flowers in the lane and thought this umbellifer looked lovely against the dark tree foliage.

Ten days ago my first Workaway of the summer arrived, a French born, fluent French speaking, girl from Las Vegas - Leyslie.  She has worked like stick on the field tackling the nettles which were overtaking everything up there.  She has been lovely company and I shall miss her when she leaves on Friday.  I take her to Guingamp station  and then go on to my consultant appointment at the Polyclinic there.  When I get home my next Workaways should be arriving – two Irish men who will be here for ten days.  I shall be glad of this continued help on the field and with the animals.

At the weekend we were invited out to two events, lunch at St Nicodeme with friends, Jac and Ken (photo not mine I've just cropped it)

and then then to a BBQ in the evening with more friends.  The weather was blazing hot and it was so lovely to be able to sit outside all day and catch up with everyone.  

I have some family photos to share with you. Here we have Charlie, Oliver, Emma and Mia.

Here is Mia being a little Mummy - I love this one.

Mia and her Daddy, Oliver.

This month the new smaller pool was delivered and my quiz partner, Phil and his visiting brother, Stephen, came round to puzzle out the instructions.   Leyslie, my Workaway, is pictured here too.


It is now filled and functioning and I have had my first swim.  Thanks, boys!

The ducks too have been missing a swimming area.  The pond started leaking after the geese managed to tear the liner with their claws as they came out of the water.  My first builder, Mark, came back at the weekend to reline and concrete the edges of the area and we are now just waiting for enough rain to refill it.

The extra piece going down the slope is to provide more thickness against the geese climbing out and we've had to anchor it down with the old pieces of aggregate from the pond sides.

Finally, some bookings are coming in for my holiday cottages which you can see on my website,   I currently have a German couple in Small Cottage and a few weeks ago had staying some of the owners of the horses which are at livery in the village - currently around 50 horses - some from as far away as Qatar.   I lost my friend and cleaner who did the cottages for me, at the beginning of the year when she returned to live in England, but I now have Maggi, who is very flexible about when she comes here to help me and we have a good laugh together too. 

I found this brilliant photo of a strawberry on the internet, with a little bit of leaf added for the beak of the chicken.Two of my favourite things combined - strawberry and chicken!

Three things I like:

1.   The Workaway system, letting me have lovely people to help me with lots of tasks including the veggie patch and the animals.
2.    The support and encouragement I have been receiving from so many people.
3.    The brilliant weather we've been experiencing here this summer - just my cup of tea!


SUE PARKIN said...

You have been busy. Lovely photos.

Vera said...

Lovely photos, shame about your health problems, but you are staying positive and that is the main thing.
Sending you blessings of love and light. Vx

Paul said...

Wishing you all the best Sandra.Paul

Unknown said...

Thanks, everyone! x